Well, we had the most beautiful weather on Friday. Too bad we were all at work. Saturday was supposed be "Field Day" where the coaches and parents of instructional leauge baseball prep the field for the upcoming season, but it was a completely dark and drab day. It was raining all day and really hard at times. Late in the afternoon, the rain finally stopped so Charlie decided it was a good time to clean the ducks box out, as they are still living in our family room. So, he took the box out the front door and put the ducks on the grass. We decided to take them for a walk. They are sooooo cute, as we start to walk away, they follow. So, we started heading down the hill on the side yard and they didn't follow at first, and when they did start, they ran. They were so funny running down the hill! The two blacks ones are very fast and the three yellow ones just looked silly with their heads bobbing from side to side. We got close to the tree line and we stopped. I told Charlie to listen, that sounds like water rushing, let's go check it out. We walked down to the creek, which is usually either dry or only a trickle. It looked like you could go white water rafting down our little creek! We decided to look at other areas of the creek. The ducks followed. We got to where we cross the stream, it has a buried duct, and their were some nice size puddles there. The ducks were a little shy at first but once they realized that it was water, they all jumped in and we could not get them to get out. Finally, Brett coralled them out and we continuted on down the path. It was awesome out, wet, but awesome. We have never seen that much water running in the creek bed. To get home we had to walk back up the hill. I thinks the ducks were getting tired, the yellow ones took several breaks on the way back up the hill. We all had lot's of fun on our little walk after the rain.